Coding Quiz

Coding Quiz


This is a coding quiz which allows the user to complete 10 multiple-choice questions and stores their score in the local storage. This page also displays the users highest score in the top left corner.
Password Generator

Password Generator


This is a password generator that allows the user to select specifications for their password and the code will spit out a password with those specifications.
Weather Dashboard Webpage

Weather Dashboard


This is a weather dashboard that allows the user to seatch their desired city -USA- and it will display the tempreture, humidity, windspeed, UV index, and a 5-day forecast.
Team Profile Generator


This is a team profile generator that is run on a persons terminal that allows them to add as many members of the team as they like and it renders them to a TeamProfile.html in the htmlfolder.



This is the second group project I have collaborated on. Chirper is a messaging application where users can signin/signup and then create or join chatrooms where they can chat with eachother.
Daily Planner

Daily Planner


This is a daily planner that allows the user to input and save text in the local storage. This daily planner will also track the time and turn the corrisponding input field grey once the hour has passsed.
Covid-19 Tracker Webpage

Covid-19 Tracker


This is the first collaborative project I have worked on. It is a Covid-19 Tracker which allowes the user search confirmed, revovered, and deaths from their desired countries and dates.
Note Taker

Note Taker


This is the first project I ever deployed to Heroku. It is a note taking application.
Project Tracker

Project Tracker


This is a project tracker where you can add and remove projects. The projects are added by Name, Project type, Rate, Due date, Days until, and Project earnings.